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ISPE Türkiye GAMP Committee Workshop Organization


A workshop on data integrity, organized by the ISPE Turkey GAMP (Good Automated Manufacturing Practices) Committee, took place at PharmaVision on Friday, May 24, 2024.

The workshop, which attracted significant interest, began with opening speeches by ISPE Türkiye Chairman Mr. Emrah Ergörül and GAMP Committee Chairwoman Ms. Meryem Aytar Deveci. Following this, Ms. Banu Arat Erkan, Validation Manager at Sanofi Pharmaceuticals, made a presentation titled “Data Integrity Violations”. Subsequently, a presentation on "Data Mapping and Data Integrity Risk Assessment" was given by Ms. Güneş Hanağası, Quality Systems and Compliance Manager and Ms. Beril Gülkaya Havuz, GMP Compliance Specialist from Viatris Pharmaceuticals. The interactive workshop was enriched by the questions and examples provided by the participants during and after the presentations.
We thank the ISPE Türkiye GAMP Committee for this wonderful organization and for donating three saplings to PharmaVision through the TEMA Foundation* for hosting this event.
* The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats