Pharmaceutical Industry Sector Consultation Meeting

The Pharmaceutical Industry Sector Consultation Meeting hosted by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) was held in Ankara from June 10-12, 2024. Ms. İoanna Fenerli attended in person, while Ms. Sema Ayan, Ms. Sinem Zorbozan Vural, Ms. İlknur Bengü Ilgım, Ms. Hicran Turp, and Ms. Duygu Topaloğlu Boz participated online.
The meeting kicked off with an opening speech by Dr. Asım Hocaoğlu, President of the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (TİTCK). Presentations covered a range of topics including overall assessments of the pharmaceutical industry, inspection procedures, licensing, drug supply management, pricing strategies, clinical research, pharmacovigilance, import procedures, health declarationusage, traditional herbal products, and the functions of the National Quality Control Laboratory. The consultation meeting, where questions from participants were also addressed, facilitated discussions on industry perspectives and expectations.